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We are grateful for each and every donor. They have trusted us with the opportunity to support teachers. Because of the generosity of these people, hundreds of students will discover a love of reading.

Donor Testimonials

I teach at Singapore American School and I'm super blessed with fantastic classroom library  ... I wanted to pay it forward so others can have the same joy. Thank you for creating a place where I could feel good about donating without hesitation.

Jennifer Megee

A classroom can never have enough books! So thank you for your organization to get books to classrooms. 

PJ Nosek


Library Donors

  • Arizona Community Foundation

  • Ann Battle

  • Brad & Kylene Beers

  • Booksource

  • Karen Cook

  • R. Bert Crossland

  • Sandy Hayes

  • Heinemann

  • Pat & Penny Kittle

  • Teri Lesesne

  • Don & Donalyn Miller

  • Moser Family Foundation

  • Maurice Newkirk-NEATE Library Awards

  • William Newkirk & Cheryl Tschanz Family Foundation

  • David Pilkey

  • Colby Sharp

  • Scholastic

  • St. Laurentian University

  • Lisa Woodyard


In Memory of Wilma Jean Lester

  • Janna Bender

  • Jane & Carl Crechelow

  • Robert Fitzgerald

  • Christopher & Angela Hartman

  • Rohelle Hiles

  • Nancy Iseminger

  • Gayle Jenning

  • Christy Jones

  • Scott Leonard

  • Nicole Lester-Ekis

  • Mike & Leslie Mestdagh

  • Rachon Miller

  • Bethany Prunier

  • Craig & Nancy Redshaw

  • Susan Richards

  • Jane Terry

  • Trish Wallace


In Memory of Polly Meyer

  • Joyce A. Barr

  • Velma Hawkins

  • Marilyn Leinacker

  • Susan Lemon

  • Mary J. Martin

  • Shirley Parker

  • Dorothy Selk

  • Barbaa Severn

  • Lanny Van Allen


In Memory of Thomas Brisson

  • Patrick & Patricia Benson

  • Roz & Jeff Brisson

  • Linda Chamberlain

  • Donna Fallon

  • Thomas Brisson

  • Joelle Maguire & Megan McGinley

  • Manny Malatras

  • Shawna Moore

  • Randy Palmer

  • Sara Pisani

  • Joleen Stephen

  • Tom & Patti Thirsk

  • Jean Wilusz

Supporting Donors

  • A&B Educational Enterprises

  • Jason Abrams

  • Oona Abrams

  • Joan Accordo

  • Mark W. Adams

  • William W. Adams

  • Gabriella Aldeman

  • Michelle Allen

  • Alpha Psi -- Delta Kappa Gamma

  • Armer Sales Inc.

  • Ruth Arseneault

  • Andrea Assara

  • Associated Jewish Charities of Baltimore

  • BK Educational Resources (Kerry Williams)

  • Maureen Baker

  • Maureen Barbeiri

  • Mary Barclaycard

  • Niki Barnes

  • Joyce Barr

  • Cherie Bartlett

  • Anne Battle

  • Baum & Beaulieu Associates, INc.

  • Susan Baum

  • Kylene Beers

  • George Belvitch

  • Maurice Bennett

  • Samantha Bennett

  • The Bent Agency (Molly Ker Hawn)

  • Gretchen Bernabei

  • Martha Bernier

  • Mary Alice Berry

  • Lyle Bertz

  • Bigbee Learning Resources

  • Kaye Bishop

  • Paula Bourque

  • Tracie Bowden

  • Tasha Bowlin

  • Ellen Boyd

  • Stacey A. Brennan

  • Sonja Brewer

  • Lois Bridges

  • Michelle Briner

  • Cathryn Oliver Brown

  • James Burnette

  • Jame Camp

  • Karen Campbell

  • Anna Carboneau

  • Cardinal Mooney Catholic High School Students & Staff

  • Kevin Carlson

  • Causecast Foundation

  • Jacqui Cebrian

  • Nancy Chalex

  • Paul & Anne Chant

  • Anne Chow

  • Theresa Christensen

  • Stephanie Clary

  • Debbie Cohen

  • Marcia Cohl

  • Kathy Collins

  • Claire Concannon

  • Cook Educational Resources

  • Hilton & Marilyn Copley

  • Shawna Coppola

  • Amy Cote

  • Cassie Cox

  • Bert Crossland

  • Marlene & Greg Dahlin

  • Martin Dambekaln

  • Beth Daniels

  • Harvey Daniels

  • Carolyn Davis

  • Sherry Day

  • Gabriel De Almeida

  • Rebecca Decker

  • Tara DeSantiago

  • Debbie Dodson

  • Sally Donnelly

  • Daniel Dooher

  • Leah Dunn

  • Juill Dunderdale

  • Betsy Dye

  • Marilyn (Mim) Easton

  • Jenell Ediger

  • Rebekah Ellis

  • Patricia Emerson

  • Kevin English

  • Alexandra Estes

  • Nicole Everling

  • Andrea Farrell

  • Laura Feldt

  • Jenn Felt

  • Fidelity Charitable Fund

  • Charles Filo

  • David & Andrea Finkle

  • Jennifer Flores

  • Catherine Flynn

  • Patricia Forster

  • Laurie Foster

  • Lisa Fowler

  • Thomas & Donna Frantz

  • Kelly Gallagher

  • Katherine Gammage

  • Lisa Garrett

  • Kistin Gedeon

  • Wendy Falconer Gassaway

  • Gentryrose Educational Materials

  • Anita Gildea

  • Donna Gephart

  • Frances Gonzalez

  • Amanda Goss

  • Melissa Graham

  • Julie Gribble

  • Lynn Hagen

  • Kim Haines

  • Lorraine Hallinen

  • Samantha Han

  • Paul Hankins

  • Karen Hartman

  • Rochelle Hiles

  • Harvard University

  • Stephanie Harvey

  • Velma Hawkins

  • Scott Hayen

  • Sandy Hayes

  • Hannah Heithoff

  • Matt Heithoff

  • Troy Hicks

  • Marlene Hill

  • Mindy Hoffar

  • Houghton Mifflin Harcourt

  • Mary Howard

  • Noah Hoxsie

  • Stephen Hunt

  • Tan Huynh

  • Integrasource, Inc.

  • Molly Jackson

  • Laura Janski

  • Julie Jee

  • Jim Johnson

  • in honor of Pat Johnson's 70th birthday

  • James Jonston

  • Thomas & Julie Jolliff

  • Christy Jones

  • Chris Judson

  • K & M Literacy, LLC

  • Ka Hui Heluhelu International Reading Association

  • Nancy Kassam-Adams

  • Dave Khatib

  • Jordan & Steven Kelly

  • Lea Kelley

  • Brian Kissel

  • Cameron & Ellen Kittle

  • Hannah Kittle

  • Patrick Kittle

  • Peter Kittle

  • Heather Klaus & Family

  • Joyce Kohfeldt

  • Tracey Kubitz

  • Maureen Lally

  • Alex Lamb

  • Lester Laminack

  • Anne E. Lee

  • Candace Lee

  • Anthony L'Heureux

  • Chris Lehman

  • Sarah Leibel

  • Marilyn Leinacker

  • Melanie LeJeune

  • Susan Lemon

  • Scott Leonard

  • Crystal Leu

  • Chelsea Lonsdale

  • Lisa Luedeke

  • Susan Luft

  • Lindsay Mahoney

  • Lycee International School of Boston

  • Maine Association for Middle Level Education

  • AnnMarie Marranzini

  • Mary J. Martin

  • Kelli Maynard

  • Christina McCabe

  • JoEllen McCarthy

  • Patty McGee

  • Tanny McGregor

  • Kori McKibben

  • Sonata McPhail

  • Catherine Meaney

  • Kathleen Messenbaugh

  • Tammy Meyer

  • Judith Michaels

  • Kevin & Karen Milford

  • Frances Moyer

  • Paula Miller

  • Rosemary Mitchell

  • Crystal Monath

  • Moss Foundation

  • Laura Mullen

  • Pauline Mulligan

  • Tammy Mulligan

  • Steve Murray

  • Angela Myers

  • Tom & Beth Newkirk

  • Bryce Newton

  • New England Reading Association

  • Northern Alberta Reading Specialists

  • Marilyn Norton

  • Northwest Regional English Conference

  • Amy Sue O'Brien

  • Jennifer Ochoa

  • Carol Booth Olson

  • Oregon State Literacy Association

  • Nadra Ostrom

  • Ostrom Educational Resources

  • Eileen Ours

  • Brian Page

  • Laurie Pandorf

  • Shirley Parker

  • William Parker

  • Nancy Patterson

  • Cari L. Pepper

  • Stephen Perepeluk

  • Susan Perez

  • Hillary Perlman

  • Valerie A. Person

  • Karen Petersen

  • Lori Pfeifer

  • Carole Phillips

  • Peggy Pietka

  • David M. Pilkey

  • Gae Polisner

  • Pond and Peak Reading Council

  • Melissa Poponak

  • Diana Powers

  • Bethany Prunier

  • Tim Pruzinsky

  • Meenoo Rami

  • Amy Rasmussen

  • Reading Rocks the North

  • Daniel Redding​

  • Susan Reynell

  • Julia Reynolds

  • Brent C. Rhodes

  • Joni Richardson

  • Kara Richardson

  • Linda Rief

  • Heather Rocco

  • Nancy Ann Roever

  • Lori Romines

  • Kellie Rooth

  • Elizabeth Rossini

  • Tiffany Roussel

  • Frank & Regie Routiman

  • Haley Rowles

  • Royse City ISD

  • Gina Salerno

  • Taylor Sanner

  • Alice Sasso

  • Savannah Book Festival, Inc.

  • Nancy Schaller

  • Elizabeth Schmitt

  • Hannah Schneewind

  • E. Schnepel

  • Lesa Scott

  • Dorothy Selk

  • Barbara Severn

  • Emily Shaffer

  • Beth Shaum

  • Elaine & Steven Sheftel & Family

  • Andriana Sheinbaum

  • Mary Lou Shuster

  • Frankie & Scott Sibberson

  • Rachel Small

  • Karyn Smith

  • Keisha Smith-Carrington

  • Laura Smith

  • Matthew Snell

  • Katherine Sokolowski

  • Shirley Soll

  • Spark Creativity (Betsy Potash)

  • Geraldine Spencer

  • Lee Ann Spillane

  • Marty Stanley

  • Janet Steinberg

  • Jason Stephenson

  • Katie Strawser

  • Paul & Katie Stuart

  • Bob Sturdy

  • Kathrine Sullivan

  • Kevin Swanson

  • Margaret Swanson

  • TC Education NJ

  • TC Education VA

  • Melanie Tanner

  • Katie Thomas

  • Amy Tondreau

  • Catherine A. Toohey

  • Trail of Bredcrumbs, LLC

  • M.G. Trudy

  • Janet Turner-McDonald

  • Susan Unger

  • Lisa Vahey

  • Karen Valley

  • The Van Swaay Charitable Foundation

  • Elaine Veatch

  • Erika Victor

  • Jen Vincent

  • Vicki Vinton

  • Brooke Voss

  • Amanda & Bryce Wagner

  • Richard Walker

  • Judy Wallis

  • Janet & Dan Wanamaker

  • Anne Ward

  • Kendra Ward

  • Anna Warren

  • Kyle Warren

  • Warren IN (Kyle Warren)

  • Laura Watts

  • Kim Welborn

  • Allison West

  • Carla Westphal

  • Reid Westphal

  • Alysia White

  • Carol Wilcox

  • Jacob Wills

  • Heidi Wilson

  • Cullen Winfield

  • Catherine Wood

  • Lisa Woodyard

  • Sarah Wright

  • Erica Wyncoll

  • Brian Wyzlic

  • Jim & Judy Wyzlic

  • Michael Wyzlic

  • Robert & Trudy Young

  • Tracey Young

  • Jennifer Zedaker

  • Kristin Ziemke

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The Book Love Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit foundation. 100% of donations fund classroom libraries

©2024 Book Love Foundation.

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