Teri Lesesne Book Clubs Grant
Application Requirements
Applicants must be a full time preK-12 classroom teacher in the United States or Canada. If you are awarded a grant and then accept another position in your school district this summer (like a coaching or curriculum position), we will be happy for you, but the grant will be voided. Grants cannot be transferred to colleagues.
Applicants must demonstrate support for equitable literacy practices. This will include independent reading and book clubs as regular classroom practices as well as diversifying authors and titles in the core curriculum.
Applicants must have at least the start of a working classroom library. The books received from the Book Love Foundation grant are not for a school-wide library or to be permanently divided among teachers. Creative sharing, however, is always encouraged.
Applicants must be willing to be included in Book Love Foundation promotional materials and participate in research into the effectiveness of classroom libraries and book clubs on student outcomes in reading. We expect grant winners to collect records and help us advance this important work. This is a partnership. If we choose you, we expect you to help us help others.
This grant is given to you to support your work as a classroom teacher. It is not given to the school or school district. Please be sure this is clear to your administrators before you apply. If you leave the district, the books go with you.​
​If you meet the above requirements, please complete book clubs grant application by answering all the questions in as concise, but thorough a manner as possible. (Winning applications offer stories of how reading inspires and delights you and your students.) To submit your application, carefully follow the process instructions at the end of the application document. Please apply for only one of the grants. We will not be able to review duplicate applications.
Thank you for your commitment to teaching and giving us a window into your world.